Strengthening Promotive And Preventive in the Field of Health

FK-UGM. A total of 158 new doctors were sworn in by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UGM today, August 15, 2017 at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM, 64 doctors and 94 female doctors. Attended by parents, family, and invited guests. The doctor’s oath recitation procession is solemn, led by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UGM followed by new doctors. Faranisa Kusuma Dewi succeeded in obtaining the best graduate predicate with a score of 3.94 GPA.

Dr. Yulianto Prabowo, M.Kes Head of Central Java Provincial Health Office at the time of giving motivation session to the new doctor also convey his message about the importance of a dream. “Vision and dream is important, certainly accompanied by the pursuit of the dream. Through dreams we will pursue something we dream of “. Yulianto also added that do not forget to be happy, “success starts from happiness not vice versa, success comes from hard work. Always happy and positive thinking “. The main factors in success are 1. honest, 2. discipline, 3. slang, 4. spouse support, 5. work harder than others, 6. love what is done, 7. good & strong leadership, 8. spirit & Competitive personality, 9. good life management, 10. ability to sell ideas.

Yulianto also said that doctors’ careers are numerous, not just being specialists but can be researchers, bureaucrats, politicians, managers, practitioners or whatever they want. “At this time we need not only be a clinician but become a public health expert. If there is no reorientation of development then the target in the health field will fail again. Must strengthen preventive promotive, in the health law mentions 2/3 of health financing used for preventive promoting. So that we must do is to strengthen preventive promotive efforts, “said Yulianto.

“The challenges of medicine in the future are incredible. What yesterday you learned in undergraduate degree and in professional stages in the next ten years will change, “the Dean of Faculty of Medicine UGM told. As UGM alumni, new doctors should always be thirsty to learn, thirst to collaborate, Interprofessional Education becomes a must. “The profession of doctors is a profession of devotion, the profession of the willing heart that must always hold on to religion and belief because the doctor is an intermediary while the determinant is Allah the Almighty. Whatever your options are later, as bureaucrats, specialists, primary care physicians, professors, researchers, professionals working in NGOs or WHO, whatever you do, quoting from the doctrine of Hypocrates, make a habit of two things: to help or at least to do No harm, “continued Prof. Ova Emilia as a message to all new doctors in front of the family. “So (as a doctor) we should always help not to harm the patient community,” he said. “Congratulations on taking a new journey to become a doctor,” he continued.

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