The vision of Department of Psychiatry is to become the center of psychiatric education competitive at national and international level, and to offer programs to support the development of psychiatric knowledge, research and community services in 2020. Currently the department is developing strategies to improve the image and achievement in education, research and community services through providing facilities and capacity building programs for human resources. Three staff members (dr Mahar, dr Carla and dr Ronny) were trained at the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine Harvard Medical School, US to learn about social medicine working with Prof Byron Good and Prof Mary-Jo Good.

Staff members in our department hold several subspecialties, such as Community/Social/Culture Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Biology Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Addiction and Substance Abuse, Psychotherapy, and CLP (Consultation Liaison Psychiatry). Research activities have also been encouraged and findings from several studies have been published in books and scientific journals. Research projects has been obtained from national and international funding, for instance Early Psychosis Research (Harvard Funding), Inter-university Partnership to Improve Mental Health Care in Indonesia with Harvard and Syah Kuala Universities (USAID funding 2011- 2014) and Implementation and Evaluation of an Integrated Mental Health Program at Community Health Centers In Yogyakarta (Dubai Project-Harvard University Funding 2015-2017). Seminar and national conferences on rehabilitation programs, child psychiatry, and consultation liaison psychiatry are also held by the Department.

Regarding collaboration, we continuously build efforts to expand and intensify collaborations with in-country and international partners. Through collaboration with many institutions such as Jogjakarta Special Provincial Health Office, Ghrasia Mental hospital, Banyumas District hospital, Soeroyo mental hospital in Magelang, UGM University hospital, Taipei Medical University, Department of Psychiatry Kobe University, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine Harvard Medical School in many areas (education, research and community services), we hope to be develop “Excellent Physciatry in this department.

Year Important Achievement
1945/50 Neuro-Psychiatry Department established, with Prof dr. Soeroyo from Magelang Psychiatry Hospital as the chair of department.
1959 Neuro-Psychiatry polyclinic and wards established by Prof FKE Kluge form Germany
1977 Neurology-Psychiatry Department splitted into two departments, i.e. Department of Neurology and Department of Psychiatry. Prof Soejono was the first chair of Department of Psychiatry
1979 Psychiatry polyclinic at Pugeran hospital moved to DrSardjito Hospital
1980/81 Psychiatric ward moved to DrSardjito Hospital until today.
2013 The First National Conggress of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry held in Yogyakarta