Department of Pharmacology and Therapy has a long history. Teaching of pharmacology started in March 4th 1946, and pharmacology subject was called “Drug Efficacy”. The working group of Clinical Pharmacology was established in 1979, and developed into Department of Clinical Pharmacology in 1987. The Department of Pharmacology was then developed into Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. The pharmacy section which was developed in 1950 to serve public and clinical rotation of medical students had been developed into Department of Medical Pharmacy in 1970. Department of Pharmacology and Therapy was merged from these three departments in 2009, initiated by the Dean.

Our department offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate study option since we have staff working in the field of laboratory, clinical, community, and policy research. We even have research activities in collaboration with industry. Most of our staff take part in national and international board, such as vice rector, National Committe on Drug Evaluation, National Committe on Indonesian Drug Informatory, Member of the International Narcotics Control Board, Board of Governor of International Clinical Epidemiology Network, Chairman of National Committee on Health Insurance for the Poor (Jamkesmas) Drug Formulary, National Committee on Patient’s Safety in Hospital, National Committee on Traditional Medicine Evaluation, Medical and Health Research Ethics Committee, and Regional Trainer on Good Clinical Practice.

Our laboratory has capacity to support various research topics from preclinical to clinical study, supported by excellent equipments and skilled technicians. Animal facility, clinical study room, cell culture facility, drug and substance assay in biological fluid facility, herbal medicine research facility, genomic to proteomic research facility are some of our facilities to support research in pharmacology.

In 2015, we enrolled two of our laboratory methods, i.e. acute oral toxicity test and Bioavailability-Bioequivalens test, for accreditation from national accreditation comittee (Komite Akreditasi Nasional/KAN). We are now in the process to obtain accreditation for those two methods.
Many of our research were published in high impact nasional and international journals. This leads the department to be in the third rank of department with highest journal publications in the Faculty of Medicine

Year Important Achievement
2009 Pharmacology and Therapy Department established, merging three departments
2010 National meeting for Indonesian Pharmacology Society (Ikatan Ahli Farmakologi/IKAFI) hosted
  • Patent for pasak bumi as aphrodisiac obtained
  • National acreditation for acute oral toxicity and BA/BE test proposed
2016 The BPOM’s award (an award from Indonesian National Agency for Drug and Food Control)
received by two faculty members